Mohave County Animal Shelter Fee Schedule
Adoption Cat (includes spay/neuter, shots, microchipping) $ 75.00
Adoption Dog (includes spay/neuter, shots, license, microchipping) $ 125.00
Adoption Senior Animal to Senior Owner $ 25.00
Care of body (Disposal) $ 25.00
Impound Boarding Fee (per day) $ 15.00
Impound Fee 1st Time (ACO or Citizen Turn-in) $ 35.00
Impound Fee 2nd Time (ACO or Citizen Turn-in) $ 50.00
Impound Fee 3rd Time (ACO or Citizen Turn-in) $ 125.00
Impound Fee 4th Time (ACO or Citizen Turn-in) $ 150.00
License Altered Dog (1 Year) $ 10.00
License Altered Dog (2 Year) $ 20.00
License Altered Dog (3 Year) $ 30.00
License Altered Dog Senior Citizen 65 and over (1 Year) $ 8.00
License Altered Dog Senior Citizen 65 and over (2 Year) $ 16.00
License Altered Dog Senior Citizen 65 and over (3 Year) $ 24.00
License Unalter Dog (1 Year) $ 31.00
License Unalter Dog Senior Citizen 65 and over (1 Year) $ 29.00
License Dog Late Fee $ 2.00
License Replacement Tag $ 2.00
Microchipping Dog or Cat $ 12.00
Redemption Fee (only for unaltered/unlicensed animals) $50.00
Vaccination Fee $20.00
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