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Victim Services

If you are a Crime Victim in Crisis please call: 928-716-6550

To reach an advocate for non-crisis conversations please call: 928-718-4967

Our office is located at 301 Pine Street, Kingman, AZ 86402

Our email is

Additional important crime victim information is located below on this web page. We are here for YOU!

The criminal justice system can be daunting, confusing and even stressful for crime victims. Fortunately, help is available from the Victim/Witness Program of the Mohave County Attorney’s Office. Our mission is to assist crime victims throughout the criminal justice process by providing advocacy, support and services.

Victim Rights Brochure
Victima Derechos 

Content Overview

Arizona Constitution, Article 2, Section 2.1. Victims’ Bill of Rights; Arizona Revised Statutes, Title 13, Chapter 40 Victims’ Rights for Adult Criminal Offenses; Arizona Revised Statutes, Title 8, Chapter 3, Article 7 Victims’ Rights for Juvenile Offenses; Arizona Revised Statutes Restitution Statutes; Arizona Revised Statutes Other Victim-Related Statutes

Arizona Attorney General Victims' Rights Briefs 

Child Abuse Brochure
If you know of an abused or neglected child, please call the police immediately and review the information in this brochure to help keep the children of our community safe.

Domestic Violence and Orders of Protection Brochure
If you find yourself in an abusive situation, it is important to remember that abuse comes in many forms - physical, emotional, sexual and financial. It is important that you make plans now to keep you and your children safe.

Mohave County Sheriff's Office Inmate Search - TODO

Victims of Current Cases

  • If you are listed as a victim in a case that is currently pending and would like to receive notifications about the case, please call the Victim/Witness Program at (928) 718-4967.

Court Calendar Information

  • The Judicial Branch of Arizona - County of Mohave - Court Calendars.  Please be advised the Court updates it's calendars after 3:30 p.m.   

Available Forms

  • Victim Impact Statements -  
    Initial Appearance Hearing 
    Motion to Review Conditions of Release (Bond Reduction Hearing)
    Change of Plea Hearing
    Judgment and Sentencing Hearing 
  • If you are not able to attend the scheduled hearing in person, please contact our office at (928) 718-4967 for other options for statement submissions.  

Victims of Completed Cases

  • Post-Adjudication Notification Request - Juvenile
    This form is designed for use by state and county offices in Arizona which have responsibility under State Constitution and law to provide post-adjudication services to crime victims.  Upon completion of the case, this form will be mailed to you.
  • Post-Conviction Notification Request - Adult
    This form is designed for use by state and county offices in Arizona which have responsibility under State Constitution and law to provide post-conviction services to crime victims.  Upon completion of the case, this form will be mailed to you.
  • After Disposition:  Now What?  How to Ensure Your Victims' Rights Continue Post-Adjudication     
  • After Sentencing: Now What?  How to Ensure Your Victims' Rights Continue Post-Conviction
    This video will explain the post-conviction process including how victims can opt-in for notices.
  • Arizona Department of Corrections Office of Victim Services Pamphlet 
  • Arizona Department of Corrections Inmate Data Search 

Victim Restitution Brochure
Formulario de restitucion

By paying restitution as part of a criminal sentence, offenders face a constant and significant reminder of the damage they have caused to their victims. Victims, in turn, can begin to return to a normal life when they are reimbursed for the financial harm they have endured. 

Restitution Request Form
If you suffer a loss as a result of the defendant’s conduct, the court may require the defendant to reimburse you.

For questions regarding your CourtFunds Restitution MasterCard Prepaid Debit Card, please contact CourtFunds customer service at (877) 287-2448 or go to for assistance.

Victim Compensation Pamphlet
Compensación Para Victimas

You may be eligible for financial compensation for out-of-pocket crime-related expenses

State of Arizona Criminal Justice Commission Crime Victims Compensation Program Application

  • On-Line Application for Victim Compensation Program
  • On-Line Application for Victim Compensation Program During Incidents of Mass Violence
    • This application should be used for emergencies where mass violence has occurred to provide the victim disaster related resources.  Mass violence events are human caused tragedies that can impact whole communities.  Some examples of mass violence include shootings, acts of terrorism, or mass riots.   If you were involved in an incident of mass violence, you may be eligible for financial assistance through the Crime Victim Compensation Program.  Some examples of the financial assistance provided include; funeral expenses, crime scene clean-up, medical expenses, mental health counseling, loss of wages, loss of support, and travel expenses.  Please provide any information regarding collateral sources such as health insurance you may have on your application, so we can expedite your claim quickly.  Please contact the Mohave County Attorney’s Crime Victim Compensation Advocate at (928) 718-4967 for assistance with completing your application or to answer any questions you may have.   

Victim Compensation Board Meetings 

Victim Compensation Board Meeting Schedule 2025

2025 Meetings


2024 Meetings

Victim Compensation Board Disclosure Statement


Pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.02, the Mohave County Attorney’s Office Victim/Witness Program hereby states all notices of the meetings and agendas of the Mohave County Victim Compensation Board and any of its committees and subcommittees will be posted electronically on the Mohave County Attorney’s Office Victim/Witness Program’s official website and posted physically at the Mohave County Administrative Building, in the designated “Public Notice” area located at 700 West Beale Street, Kingman, AZ 86401. This location is open to the public Monday – Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm with the exception of legal holidays. Such notices will indicate the date, time and location of the meetings and will include an agenda for each meeting.

Mohave County Attorney
Victim/Witness Staff

Kingman Community Resources Pamphlet
Bullhead City Community Resources Pamphlet 
Lake Havasu City Community Resources Pamphlet
North Canyon Resources Pamphlet
Law Enforcement Non-Emergency Phone Numbers

If you should need any assistance, please contact us at:

Mohave County Attorney
Victim/Witness Program
Street:  301 Pine St., Kingman, AZ  86401
Mailing:  P.O. Box 7000, Kingman, AZ  86402-7000
Phone:  (928) 718-4967
Fax:  (928) 718-4966

Victims' Rights Violations?

If you feel your Victims' Rights have been violated, please contact our Program Coordinator at (928) 718-4967.

To file a complaint regarding your Crime Victims' Rights, you may contact:

Office of the Arizona Attorney General
Office of Victim Services
1275 W. Washington Street
Phoenix, AZ  85007
(602) 542-5025

Federal laws prohibit recipients of Justice Department funding from discriminating against individuals or groups, either in
employment or in the delivery of services or benefits, on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, or age.
In addition, federal law prohibits recipients of Justice Department funding from discriminating on the basis of age in the delivery of services or benefits.

To file a discrimination complaint, you may contact one of the following agencies:

Office for Civil Rights
Office of Justice Programs
U.S. Dept. of Justice
810 7th Street, NW
Washington, DC  20531
(602) 819-2438 or (602) 819-1270

Note: In order to file with the Federal Office for Civil Rights, two forms must be downloaded from the internet and submitted in writing. The forms can be found at the Office of Justice Programs Website.

Arizona Department of Public Safety
VOCA Administration, MD3915
Civil Rights Coordinator
P.O. Box 6638 
Phoenix, AZ  85005-6638
(602) 223-2491

Office of the Arizona Attorney General 
Civil Rights Division
1275 W. Washington Street
Phoenix, AZ  85007
(602) 542-5263

Serving Victims of Crimes

The Mohave County Attorney's Office is committed to serving and respecting the rights of crime victims as detailed in the Victims' Bill of Rights.  We offer a variety of services to ensure that these rights are upheld, including:

  • Victim Notification - Crime victims are entitled, upon request, to receive notice of certain proceedings related to the defendant who committed the crime.

  • Victim Restitution - If you suffered a financial loss as a result of a crime, the defendant may be ordered to reimburse you as part of the sentence imposed by the Court.

  • Victim Compensation - Crime victims may be eligible to receive funds administered by the Arizona's Crime Victim Compensation Program to cover out-of-pocket expenses related to a crime. 

Arizona law also guarantees victims' rights for businesses and neighborhood associations

Video Provided by:
Office for Victims of Crime

810 Seventh Street NW., Washington, DC 20531
The Office for Victims of Crime is a component of the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice.

The Victim / Witness Program Also Offers

24/7 Crisis Intervention Team
Victim Volunteer Coordinator 
Victim Court Advocates
Notification Advocates 
Domestic Violence Advocate
Restitution Advocate 
North Canyon Advocate - AZ Strip

Victim Services Overview Presentation

See an overview of the criminal trial process:  

For more information on any of these services and programs, please contact Victim Services at (928) 718-4967.

Court Information

For current court information, please visit Mohave Courts

Recent News

The Victim/Witness Program Office will be closed on January 20, 2025, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. 

Satisfaction Survey

Our office receives grant funding from the Victims of Crime Act. As a condition of this funding, we are required to obtain customer feedback regarding our services. As we are committed to providing you excellent customer service, please provide your feedback by completing the survey above.

Volunteer Intern Information

The Victim/Witness Program has various Volunteer opportunities available.  For more information, please contact our office at (928) 718-4967.

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