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Septic & Well Permitting

On-Site Septic Wastewater Disposal Program

Development Services offers application processing and permitting for conventional and some alternative on-site septic wastewater systems.   Services include monitoring site investigations, reviewing applications and installation plans, issuing construction authorizations, inspecting newly installed septic systems, issuing authorizations for discharge from septic systems, and monitoring transfers of septic systems to new property owners.

The authority for the environmental programs is delegated to Development Services by ADEQ.

Send questions or inquiries to Environmental Quality/Waste Disposal Services or call (928)757-0903

Frequently Asked Questions

If you hire a licensed contractor to install your system, usually the contractor will take care of the permitting process for you.  Should you decide to install the system as an "owner-builder", you will want to download the appropriate application, follow all the instructions on the first page, filling the application out completely, and submit it to the Mohave County Development Services office for review and approval.  Construction MAY NOT begin until the Construction Authorization has been signed by the applicant.

The site investigation will provide you with the needed information to select and size your system properly.  Approved list of site investigators.

An on-site wastewater system is more commonly known as a septic system.  If your home does not have access to public sewer, a septic system will provide a way to dispose of your wastewater right on your property.

An alternative system is used when there are limiting conditions found on your property during the site investigation.  The limiting condition could be a high water table, high percentage of rock, or soils that drain too fast.

If the original home is still on the property and no changes/additions are being made to the home, the system may continue to be used.  However, if any additions are made to the home or the original home is not on the property anymore and a new home is planned, a new septic system that meets current code must be installed.  In addition, if the current system fails, a new septic system must be installed.

Yes!!  This is the best way to make sure you have enough room on your property for everything that you will want.  This will ensure that the septic system will meet all the setbacks from your new home.  Building Permits

Yes.  The septic system and the well must have at least 100 ft. of separation to prevent contamination of your well water by the wastewater being discharged into the septic system.  You will want to make sure that your well is 100 ft. from any neighboring septic system as well.  You should have at least one acre of land according to current subdivision rules and it is highly recommended that you maintain a 50 ft. buffer between your well and any property line.  Access the well permit from the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) website.

NOTE:  In areas where public water is not available the septic system must also maintain a 50 ft. buffer to any property line unless an agreement is made between property owners, notarized and recorded with the deed.  Should you have any questions on this subject, contact the Development Services office.  Contact Information

Development Services has permits with site plans for most of the septic systems in Mohave County.  If a permit is not on file with Development Services, a third party (such as a contractor or a septic pumper) may be hired to locate your system for you.  Contact your local Development Services office for further information.  Contact Information


Residential Conventional (Initial Plan Review & 2 Inspections ‐ 1 Site Eval & 1 Final) $518

Commercial Conventional (Initial Plan Review & 2 Inspections ‐ 1 Site Eval & 1 Final) $619

Alternative On‐Site Wastewater System ‐ Except as Indicated Below $940

4.03 Composting Toilet $518

4.14 Vault and Haul System $518

Post ‐2001 System W/Paper Permits: Additional Disposal Area to Accommodate  Additional Flow Due to Additions to Home or Business* $260

Tank Replacement $260

Additional Plan Reviews (Per Revision or Site Plan and/or Operational Configuration $146

Required Additional Inspection ‐ Wastewater $114

Request for Alternative Design, Installation or Operational Feature (A312(G))** $75

Changes to On‐Site system without Notification (Requires Resubmittal ) (Includes  Review of Modification to System and One Final Inspection) $262

Fee for Installing Tank and/or Leach Lines Before Permit Is Issued $407

Abandonment $227

Report of Inspection and Notice of Transfer of Ownership $50

Notice of Intent to Drill, Deepen, Replace or Modify a Well $160

* Must Have Paper Permit on File with DSD, Issued in 2001 or After.  This Applies Only 
to Those Situations Where Additional Disposal Area is Added in Response to Additional 
Flows Due to Additions to the Residence or Business.  Any Other Replacement or Repair 
of Leach Field Requires a New Permit

** Does Not Apply to Those A312Gs Issued Under the January 2001 ADEQ/LHC Agreement

Conventional Systems

Alternative Systems


Site Investigators
System Abandonment

Miscellaneous Forms


Well Drilling

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