Is my property in a Flood Zone
Mohave County
Every property is in a flood zone, but not all properties are in a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). The SFHA’s are defined as the areas that will be inundated by the flood event having a 1-percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. This does not mean it can only happen once per year! An area can experience a 1% flood several times or not at all during the year. FEMA refers to the 1% chance flood as the base flood or 100-year flood. This means FEMA has designated these areas as having a higher risk of flooding or flood-related hazard. These are designated as Zone A, Zone AO, Zone AE and Zone AH in Mohave County on the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM).
An important term within SFHA is the Base Flood Elevation or BFE. The BFE is the “elevation to which floodwater is expected to rise during the base flood”. Zone AO and Zone AH may be designated as one, two or three feet above the natural ground.
The State of Arizona requires an additional foot above the BFE. This means that any structure built within the SFHA should be elevated a minimum of one foot above the BFE. This elevation is called the Regulatory Flood Elevation (RFE).
Areas outside of the SFHA are designated as Non-Special Flood Hazard Areas or Undetermined-Risk Areas. The Non-Special Flood Hazard Areas are known as Shaded Zone X and Zone X in Mohave County. In these moderate-to-low risk areas, the risk of being flooded is reduced but not completely removed. The Undetermined-Risk Areas are labeled with Zone D on the flood maps. In these areas no flood-hazard analysis has been conducted but a flood risk still exists.
Click here to view the FEMA FIRM maps in the Flood Control District's FEMA Flood Map Viewer. This viewer will allow you to search for your property by Name, Address, or Parcel Number (APN) and see where the SFHA's are in relation to your property.
If your property is within Zone AE Floodway (designated by a blue & white diagonal stripe) there are special requirements for construction of any structure. Please refer to the Mohave County Flood Control Ordinance, Section 5, Article 7.
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3250 E. Kino Ave.
Kingman, AZ 86409
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