Mission Statement
Our goal is to serve the public by managing county elections ethically and efficiently. To reach out to every qualified voter in our county, enabling them to cast their ballot in a friendly and informative environment.
Early Voting
Contact Voter Registration, (928) 753-0767, or visit their website for questions regarding the Active Early Voting List, requesting a one-time Early Ballot or locations of Early Voting sites.
Early voting is a function of Mohave County Voter Registration.
Poll Site Voting on Election Day
Go to main menu for Precincts and Poll Site Locations
All voters who wish to vote, and did not vote early, must vote at their home precinct (precinct in which you are registered). Poll sites are open for voting on election day from 6:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.
To vote on election day, you may drop your early ballot off at the polling site, if the affidavit envelope is signed and sealed or you may vote in person at your assigned polling site(s). See your Sample Ballot. To locate your Election Day poll site, click Precincts and Poll Site Locations.
ID Needed At The Polls
- Voters who choose to vote at their poll site on Election Day must present an acceptable form of ID.
- View the page above for frequently asked questions about acceptable forms of ID,
Note: If you have moved since you last registered to vote or do not know your Voter Registration information, call Mohave County Voter Registration Office at (928) 753-0767 and they will locate and update your information, if necessary.
Click here to view the GIS Elections Information Zoom in to see poll site locations.
Provisional Ballot
A provisional ballot is used to change the name or address of a voter or if there is a question as to whether a voter is registered in the correct precinct or has voted an early ballot. This allows the voter to vote. Voter Registration will make the changes or investigate the registration or early ballot.
If you voted a provisional ballot on Election Day contact Voter Registration to see if the ballot was accepted.
Your PIN number is the Receipt No. found in the top right-hand corner of the Provisional Ballot Receipt you were given when you voted a Provisional Ballot.
Military and Overseas Voters
Contact the Secretary of State's office or the Mohave County Voter Registration at (928) 753-0767.

Allen Tempert
Office Hours:
Mon-Fri 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
(928) 753-0733
(928) 718-4956
700 W. Beale Street
Kingman, Arizona
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