2026 Statement of Interest Filed
Office | Candidate |
Clerk of the Superior Court |
Christina Spurlock |
Judge of the Superior Court, Division 1 |
Megan A. McCoy |
Judge of the Superior Court, Division 2 |
Derek Carlisle |
Judge of the Superior Court Division 3 |
Judge of the Superior Court, Division 4 |
Judge of the Superior Court, Division 6 |
Judge of the Superior Court, Division 7 |
Justice of the Peace Kingman, Justice Precinct 1 |
Justice of the Peace Lake Havasu, Justice Precinct 2 |
Jennifer Brodie |
Justice of the Peace Bullhead, Justice Precinct 3 |
Justice of the Peace North Canyon, Justice Precinct 4 |
Justice of the Peace Cerbat, Justice Precinct 5 |
Kingman Constable, Justice Precinct 1 |
Timothy F. Griepp |
Lake Havasu Constable, Justice Precinct 2 |
Bullhead Constable, Justice Precinct 3 |
North Canyon Constable, Justice Precinct 4 |
Cerbat Constable, Justice Precinct 5 |
Edward John Carman |
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