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ID Needed At The Polls

What To Bring To The Polls

When you arrive to vote at the polls on Election Day you will announce your name and place of residence to the election official and present one form of identification from List #1 or two different forms of identification from List #2 or #3.    A.R.S. § 16-579(A).

Please note: Members of federally-recognized tribes are not required to have an address or photo on their identification in order to cast a provisional ballot.

List #1 - Sufficient Photo ID Including Name And Address (One Required)

  • Valid Arizona driver license
  • Valid Arizona non-operating identification card  
  • Tribal enrollment card or other form of tribal identification
  • Valid United States federal, state, or local government-issued identification

List #2 - Sufficient ID Without A Photograph That Bears The Name And Address (Two Required)

  • Utility bill of the elector that is dated within 90 days of the date of the election. A utility bill may be for electric, gas, water, solid waste, sewer, telephone, cellular phone, or cable television
  • Bank or credit union statement that is dated within 90 days of the date of the election
  • Valid Arizona Vehicle Registration 
  • Indian census card
  • Property tax statement of the elector's residence
  • Tribal enrollment card or other form of tribal identification Arizona vehicle insurance card
  • Recorder's Certificate
  • Valid United States federal, state, or local government-issued identification, including a voter registration card issued by the County Recorder
  • Any mailing to the elector marked “Official Election Material”

List #3 - Mix & Match From Lists #1 & #2 (Two Required)

  • Any valid photo identification from List 1 in which the address does not reasonably match the precinct register accompanied by a non-photo identification from List 2 in which the address does reasonably match the precinct register
  • U.S. Passport without address and one valid item from List 2
  • U.S. Military identification without address and one valid item from List 2
Poll workers are available to assist voters with language translations, instructions on process, and with the physical act of voting.

Frequently Asked Questions on Voter's Acceptable ID at the Polls

Yes, you may have one acceptable picture ID from List 3 (U.S. Passport or U. S. Military ID) with one acceptable item from List 2 with a name & address which matches your name & address as recorded with Voter Registration, then you will vote a regular ballot.   Otherwise, without the current utility bill or another acceptable ID from List 2, you will have to vote a “conditional” provisional ballot which means you will have to return to a designated location within a specified number of days after the election and provide acceptable ID, or your ballot will not be processed.?

Yes, you will vote a provisional ballot and you do NOT have to return to a verification site after the election.  -- Or -- You may combine your AZ Drivers License with an item from List 2 with your current name & address on it.  If it matches what you have recorded with Voter Registration, you will vote a regular ballot.

Yes, you vote a provisional ballot and you do NOT have to return after the election to a verification site.  The information you provide on the provisional ballot form will be used to update your information with Voter Registration.  Please follow up with a phone call in a few weeks to Voter Registration to make sure the changes have been made to your records.

No, you must have statements from two different banks or utilities.

Yes, and if the name & address on the utility bill matches the information in the Signature Roster, you will vote a regular ballot.  If it does not match, you will vote a provisional ballot and the information you provide on the provisional form will be used to update your Voter Registration records.  Please follow up with a phone call to Voter Registration in a few weeks to confirm your information has been updated. 

You may use the bank statement if you provide one additional item with your name & address--your valid Voter Registration card would be an example of a 2nd form of acceptable ID to bring with your bank statement.  Each item provided must have your name & address on it.

No, it must be an acceptable form of ID from List 1, List 2, or List 3.

No, you may use the utility bill, if it has your name & address on it, but a Mohave County paycheck is not an acceptable form of ID from List 1, List 2, or List 3

No, neither one is an acceptable form of ID from List 1, List 2, or List 3.

No, it is not an acceptable form of ID from List 1, List 2, or List 3.

Yes, your valid Arizona vehicle insurance card (if it has your name & address on it) can be used with an additional item from List 2 or List 3.

Yes, your VA card has your photo & name but no address so you must also bring one item from List 2 with correct name & address on it. 

No, the American Legion membership card is not a government issued ID

No, to the NRA card.    
No, to the conceal & carry permit -- it entitles you to carry your firearm concealed but it does not constitute a government ID.    
No, you cannot bring your firearm in the polling place.

Yes, if your law enforcement ID has your name & address on it.    
Yes, if your Mohave County ID has your name & address on it

Yes, you will vote a “conditional” provisional ballot -- you will have to return to a designated location within a specified number of days after the election & provide acceptable ID, or your ballot will not be processed. 

An out of state driver’s license is not an acceptable form of ID. You can vote a “conditional” provisional ballot -- you will have to return to a designated location within a specified number of days after the election & provide acceptable ID, or your ballot will not be processed.

No, you would vote a provisional ballot, and your information and signature on the provisional ballot form becomes your ID.

Yes, they may vote a “conditional” provisional ballot --they will have to return to a designated location within a specified number of days after the election with acceptable ID, or their ballot will not be processed.  Call 928-753-0733 for a complete list of acceptable Tribal Identification forms.

Yes, if both his name and your name are on each bill, and as long as they are bills from two different utilities & dated within 90 days of the election.

Yes, if both his name and your name are on each of the two different statements, you both will need one additional form of acceptable ID to go along with your bank statement.

Yes, provided you also bring in one item from List 2 with your current name and address on it.

For more information on ID Requirements & the Law, Click here:  Identification at the Polls

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