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Voters with Disabilities

Voter Accessibility Hotline: Elections Department, 928-718-4982 or TDD Number: 928-753-0769

All Mohave County Polling Locations are Handicap Accessible

Voters requiring assistance or with disabilities may:

1. Request an early ballot from Voter Registration.
2. Placed your name on the Active Early Voting List (AEVL) and receive an early ballot in the mail by contacting Voter Registration.
3. Vote at an early voting site. Contact Voter Registration for locations. ExpressVotes are available at all early voting sites.
4. Vote at your precinct poll site on Election Day ExpressVotes (see description below) are available at all polling locations.
5. Be assisted by a family member, friend or two poll workers at the poll site.
6. Curbside Voting is available if you are not able to enter the poll site.
7. Hospitalized or bedridden, request emergency voting contacting Voter Registration at 928-753-0767 or TDD Number: 928-753-0769
8. To request an accommodation at the polling site contact the Election Marshal or any poll worker at the poll site.

Curbside Voting for those not able to enter the polling location:

  • Parking areas designated "Curbside Voting"
  • Ballot Call Buttons, rings inside the poll site, are available at some locations to notify poll workers of your presence. Also, the Election Marshal will be checking for you periodically or call the Elections office Hotline, 928-718-4982 who will see you are assisted immediately..
  • A poll worker should appear within 15 minutes. If not, ring the ballot call again, honk your horn or send someone into the polling site to tell them you are waiting in the designated parking area
  • Poll workers bring the equipment necessary for you to vote either a paper ballot or electronically.
 An "ExpressVote" is an electronic voting machine available at all polling and early voting locations for the use of all voters. The ExpressVote is very effective in assisting a person with a disability in voting.

Voters are able to vote their ballots by:

  • Touching screen or using the touch keypad and headphones.
  • The ballot can be selected in English or Spanish.
  • After the voter has completed their choices, they must select the "Print" button and a ballot will be printed with the voter's choices.
  • The voter will take the ballot and deposit it in the Ballot Drop Box.
  • The Election Day Technician (EDT) and other poll workers are there to assist, if requested.

NO information is stored of the ExpressVote it only lets you, the voter, vote your ballot. Once the "Print" button is pushed, the ballot is printed and all information is gone. If you make a mistake on your ballot the Election Day Technician can assist you with "spoiling" your ballot

ExpressVote video

For further information, call Elections Department at 928-753-0733 or TDD Number: 928-753-0769


Early Voting:

Early voting is a function of the Mohave County Recorders Office. For further information please contact Mohave County Voter Registration at 928-753-0767 (TDD Number: 928-753-0769) or visit their website by clicking here: Recorders Voter Registration Division - TODO

Voting on Election Day:
All voters who wish to vote, and did not vote early, must vote at their home precinct (precinct in which you currently reside) polling location between the hours of 6:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. on Election Day.

Acceptable ID at the poll site                (see "Voter I.D. Needed at the Polls"):
Voters who choose to vote at their poll site on Election Day must present an acceptable form of identification.

Polling Locations
Note: If you have moved since you last registered to vote, call Mohave County Voter Registration Office at 928-753-0767 so they can update your information and locate your new polling location for you.

For your Precinct Number: "Search Your Registration Information" or call 928-753-0767 or TDD Number: 928-753-0769

Provisional Ballot
If you voted a provisional ballot at your poll site, you may check whether it was accepted or not here:Provisional Ballot (Your PIN number is the receipt number found on the top of your Provisional Ballot Receipt.)

Voters with language challenges:
If you need a Spanish Translator, call the Elections Office at 928-753-0733 for assistance.

 Persons with Disabilities having a Complaint:
Call - Mohave County Elections Department, Hotline 928-718-4982.

Arizona Secretary of State
Help America Vote Act (HAVA)
Americans with Disability Act (ADA)
Arizona Civil Rights Act (ACRA)
Arizona Center for Disability Law (ACDL), (602) 274-6287 or 1-800-927-2260

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