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New Employee Orientation (NEO) ESS


  • Ethics is defined by moral principles that govern a person’s behavior or the conducting of an activity.
  • Ethics drives our attitudes, the way we do business and how  we treat people.
  • Ethics seeks to resolve questions of human morality by defining concepts such as good and evil, right and wrong, virtue and vice, justice and crime.

Per Mohave County Personnel Policy and Procedures, Section D, Code of Ethics, Employees are to maintain a high standard of honesty, integrity, and impartiality for the proper and efficient conduct of County business.

Mohave County Personnel Policy and Procedures, Section 4.5 Employee Conduct governs:

  • Expected professional conduct and behavior
  • Violent behavior or threats are prohibited!
  • ZERO tolerance for workplace violence
  • Employees must comply with County rules and procedures. 

Mohave County Code of Ethics

Diversity In The Workplace

  • Obvious differences: race, gender, physical appearance, age, education, cultural & socioeconomic background, physical abilities, etc. 
  • Unobvious differences: religion, mental disabilities, values, sexual orientation, personal habits, etc.

Why Accept Diversity?

  • Great ideas and collaboration, creates pride and a sense of belonging
  • Fosters productivity, competitiveness, loyalty, morale
  • Dispels negative stereotypes
  • Prevents discrimination and/or harassment

Understanding Diversity In The Workplace

  • Agencies retain workers and improve customer service
  • Acknowledges employee’s strengths and potential
  • Allows employees to be themselves, easier work relations and communication
  • Improves customer service

Workplace Discrimination

To “discriminate” against someone means to treat that person differently, or less favorably, for some 

According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), employment discrimination 
because of your race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), 
national origin, disability, age (40 or older), or genetic information is PROHIBITED. 

Workplace Harassment

Workplace harassment is the belittling or threatening behavior directed at an individual worker or a group of workers. 

Two basic types of unlawful harassment:

  1. Quid Pro Quo – “This for That”
    • Examples: Supervisor who fired or denied promotion to a subordinate for refusing to be sexually 
  2. Hostile work environment harassment
    • Examples: Telling off-color jokes concerning race, sex, disability, or other protected basis.
    • Displaying sexually suggestive or racially insensitive pictures. 
    • Using demeaning or inappropriate terms or titles. 
    • Using indecent gestures or crude language.

Sexual Harrasment

It is unlawful to harass a person because of that person’s sex. Harassment can include “sexual  harassment” or unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature. Per Personnel Policy and Procedure 4.33, you have a duty to report harassment of ANY nature. If you are witness to or subjected to harassment, contact your chain of command or Human Resources immediately.

Reporting Discrimination/Harassment/Retaliation

If you feel discriminated against or harassed:

  • Document, document, document
  • Take concerns to your supervisor/chain of command/Human Resources
  • Follow the grievance/complaint process as outlined in the Personnel Policies and Procedures 4.34, Procedure

Per Personnel Policy and Procedures 4.35, Confidentiality of Complaints: 

  • Reports and complaints shall be treated as confidential to the extent that confidentiality does not interfere with the County’s legal obligations.

Retaliation is prohibited!!

Per Mohave County Personnel Policy and Procedures Section 1.1 EEO and Section 4.32 Harassment, Mohave County is committed to providing all employees with a harassment free work environment. Failure to adhere to the County policy violates Section 4.36 of County policy. Anyone who violates this policy is subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.

Harassment Scenarios:

  1. Jenny wears a miniskirt to work. Is she inviting harassment?
    • No – Jenny has a right to wear what she’s comfortable in as long as her attire doesn’t violate Department or County policy. 
  2. Mike has a swimsuit calendar in his work area. Is this harassment?
    • Initially No but can be Yes: Mike is able to have it in his work area as long as no one has informed him they are uncomfortable with it or have asked him to take it down. If he doesn’t take it down, that could be harassment.
  3. Kenya asks Jonathan out on a date. Is this sexual harassment?
    • No, it is not for a single isolated incident. It becomes harassment if Kenya refuses to take no for an answer and becomes persistent with her actions.
  4.  Amar, who is Sikh, wears a turban as required by his religion. His supervisor tells him that his turban makes his co-workers “uncomfortable” and asks him to remove it. The supervisor also says the employees are not allowed to wears hats or other head coverings at work. What should Amar do? 
    • Amar should explain to his supervisor that he wears his turban as part of his religious beliefs.Amar should ask his supervisor to make an accommodation to the “no hats” rule so that he can wear his turban. 
    • Per the EEOC, Amar’s employer can’t prohibit him from wearing his turban at work just because it makes his co-workers uncomfortable. His employer must allow him to wear his turban as an accommodation for his religious beliefs.

Per Mohave County Personnel Policy and Procedures Section 5.4, there is a NO tolerance policy regarding the use, possession, manufacture, sale, presence in the body (with the exception of medical marijuana), distribution of drugs and alcohol, or in the possession of drug paraphernalia, while on the job. 

Employee's Responsibility

  • Not report to work impaired 
  • Not possess, manufacture, use, consume, transfer, display, transport, sell, cultivate, or have any detectable/measurable presence of any controlled substance, including marijuana in an official capacity or while operating any vehicle for County business.
  • Not dispense or distribute drugs or alcohol.
  • Submit immediately to reasonable requests for alcohol/drug testing.
  • Notify their supervisor if taking any over the counter or prescribed medications which may interfere with the safe performance of duties.
  • Provide a current valid prescription for any drug or medication identified when a drug screen analysis is positive.
  • Report upon committing or learning another employee has committed a violation to their supervisor or other management personnel.
  • In accordance with the FEDERAL DRUG FREE WORKPLACE ACT OF 1988, submit a written report related to illegal drug activity and any employee who receives a citation or who is arrested for illegal drug and/or alcohol related activity shall notify their immediate supervisor in writing within one (1) business day.

Mohave County Drug Free Workplace Policy, Section 5.4

Controlled Substances Use

  • Employees who take over the counter or prescribed medications are responsible for being aware of any effect the medication may have on the performance of their duties.
  • Controlled substances testing: No employee shall report for duty, remain on duty, or perform work assignments if the employee tests positive for controlled substances with the exception noted above for medical marijuana users. 

Suspicious Signs/Behavior To Watch Out For

  • Slurred speech, dilated pupils, alcohol on breath, physical/verbal altercations, possession, workplace accidents, or any behavior that is outside the “normal”.

Per Mohave County Personnel Policy and Procedures Section 5.3 and in accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) § 36-601.0, use of tobacco products is not permitted within the County facilities, on Mohave County property, or in a County vehicle at any time. 

The following products are restricted smoke and tobacco products:

  • Cigarettes
  • E-Cigarettes
  • Vapor Cigarettes
  • Cigars
  • Pipe Tobacco
  • Chewing Tobacco

Per Mohave County Personnel Policy and Procedures 4.2 if a County employee becomes aware he/she or a relative has a “substantial interest” in a particular County contract, purchase, or decision of Mohave County, the employee must make that interest know in the County’s official records and must refrain form any participation in an official capacity. 

  • New Submission ( Complete a Conflict of Interest Statement 
  • Refrain from voting or participating in the employee’s official capacity in any manner in the dealings of the contract, sale, purchase, service, or decision.

Outside Employment

Per Mohave County Personnel Policy and Procedures Section 1.200 Outside Employment, an employee of Mohave County shall not engage in outside employment that impairs the employee’s capacity to perform the County service duties and responsibilities in an acceptable manner.

Internal Mohave County website for employees:



Human Resources webpage; click ‘Government’, then ‘Human Resources’


You can find a vast expanse of information such as Benefits, Mohave in Motion Wellness Program, and the Personnel Policies and Procedures:


The Mohave County Employee Self Service (ESS) is an online portal which allows County employees to access their personal information from anywhere. ESS allows you to view your benefit choices, demographic and payroll information such as paycheck, federal and state withholding, and PTO information. You can use ESS to update your personal information, tax withholding selections, make elections during our annual open enrollment and enter and track your hours worked for bi-weekly payroll processing.

Logging into ESS

Use the following link: or access it via the County website: and click on the link to ESS. 


1. Once in ESS, click "Log in":

Username is your employee ID number; the initial password is the last four (4) digits of your social security number. You will be prompted to change your password after your first initial log in.


2. Your screen will look like this:


3. Click on any of the options to the left of the screen to explore your information, view your paychecks, make demographic updates, etc.

ESS is only accessible for up to ONE YEAR after separating for County service.

Employee Self Service (ESS) Time Entry

ESS Time Entry is your digital timecard, used to enter and track hours worked for bi-weekly payroll processing.
You WILL NOT have access to Time Entry until your second week of work with the County due to the time it takes to 
process new hire paperwork. 

On the County website, under the Employees link, in the Policies and Procedures tab, there are resources related to ESS Time Entry. 

Those resources include lists of Pay Types and their respective policies, best practice recommendations for employee & supervisors, PowerPoint training slides, and a brief description of Payroll’s procedures for processing bi-weekly payroll.

Any additional questions or concerns can be routed to the Payroll Department via email at

2024 Mohave County Payroll Calendar

Cycle # Beginning Date  Ending Date  Check Date
1 12/16/23  12/29/23  01/05/24 
12/30/23  01/12/24  01/19/24
01/13/24  01/26/24  02/02/24 
01/27/24  02/09/24  02/16/24 
02/10/24  02/23/24 03/01/24 
6 02/24/24  03/08/24  03/15/24 
03/09/24  03/22/24  03/29/24 
03/23/24  04/05/24  04/12/24 
04/06/24  04/19/24  04/26/24 
10  04/20/24  05/03/24  05/10/24 
11  05/04/24  05/17/24  05/24/24 
12 05/18/24 05/31/24 06/07/24
13 06/01/24 06/14/24 06/21/24
14 06/15/24 06/28/24 07/05/24
15 06/29/24 07/12/24 07/19/24
16 07/13/24 07/26/24 08/02/24
17  07/27/24 08/09/24 08/16/24
18 08/10/24 08/23/24 08/30/24
19 08/24/24  09/06/24 09/13/24
20 09/07/24 09/20/24 09/27/24
21 09/21/24 10/04/24 10/11/24
22 10/05/24 10/18/24 10/25/24
23  10/19/24 11/01/24 11/08/24
24 11/02/24 11/15/24 11/22/24
25 11/16/24 11/29/24 12/06/24
26 11/30/24 12/13/24 12/20/24

Payroll Direct Deposit

Electronic funds (pay checks) are deposited directly into your bank account rather than through a paper check. Only one account can be designated or direct deposit.

Bereavement Leave

Bereavement leave is paid leave available for active benefit eligible employees to attend services and handle matters after the loss of an immediate family member of the employee. Immediate family members are defined as spouse, mother, father, child, stepchild, brother, sister, father-in-law, mother-in-law, grandparents of an employee or grandparents of an employee’s spouse. Please refer to Personnel Policy and Procedures Section 3.3 for further details. 

Paid Time Off (PTO) - Vacation/Sick Time

  • PTO is a combination of sick and vacation time. 
  • Annual PTO carry over is capped at 300 hours per year.
  • PTO payout upon County separation is capped at 300 hours.
  • PTO payout will not be received if you separate from the County before your original probationary period of 6 months.
  • Those who have an initial probationary period of one (1) year will follow the same 6-month rule as above.
  • Newly hired full-time employees will be front loaded 39 hours of PTO on the date of hire. Newly hired part-time employees  will be front loaded 19.5 hours of PTO on the date of hire.
  • Accrual of PTO hours will begin on the 7th pay period after hire date.


Years of Continual Service Full Time Employees Hours Accrued per pay Period
  Hours Accrued Per Pay Period Hours Accrued Per Year (totals rounded to nearest hour/day)
Beginning on date of hire through end of year 4 6.5 169 = 21 days
Beginning year 5 through end of year 9 7.5 195 = 24 days
Beginning year 10 through end of year 14 8.5 221 = 28 days
Beginning year 15+ 9.5 247 = 31 days

10 paid holidays per year (shown in the calendar)

1 “Floating” holiday as described in the illustration

The additional holiday must be scheduled with your Department head/Supervisor to maintain adequate staffing coverage to remain open to the public. If it is not possible to schedule an employee due to an emergency or usual circumstance, please refer to Mohave County Personnel Policies and Procedures Section 2.6.B.



Holiday  Day Observed
Martin Luther King/Civil Rights Day Monday, January 15, 2024 
Lincoln/Washington/President’s Day  Monday, February 19, 2024
Memorial Day Monday, May 27, 2024
Independence Day Thursday, July 04, 2024
Labor Day Monday, September 02, 2024
Columbus Day Monday, October 14, 2024
Veteran’s Day Monday, November 11, 2024
Thanksgiving Day Thursday, November 28, 2024
Christmas Day* (observed) Wednesday, December 25, 2024
New Year’s Day* (observed) Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Mohave County recognizes ten (10*) paid Holidays per year with an additional holiday, known as Floating Holiday, wherein employees may request to be scheduled off and receive holiday pay for:  

The day after Thanksgiving, Friday, November 29, 2024 


The day preceding the Christmas Day Holiday, Tuesday, December 24, 2024 will be treated as the Floating Holiday. 


The day preceding the New Year’s Holiday, Tuesday, December 31, 2024 will be treated as the Floating Holiday.  

*Please refer to Mohave County Personnel Policies and Procedures Section 2.6 & section C

You will have 14 days from the initial e-mail to complete your cyber training. 

The email will be coming from: and will look like the screenshot of the email below:


When you click the link, you will be taken to your web browser where you may need to login to your Azure AD account which is the same user ID and password that you use to login to your PC. If you need assistance, please contact Technical Services by dialing:

Ext 4357, 928-753-0740


by sending an email to “Help Desk” via Outlook. 

You can access the training at any time by navigating to: and select the Employees link at the bottom of the page then select Cyber Security Training Platform. Your training dashboard will look like this screenshot. Please be on the lookout for these emails to complete your training. You will be required to complete this training once every calendar year going forward.

HUMAN RESOURCES  928-753-0736
Ken Cunningham, Director Ext 4117
LeeAnn Lewis, HR Manager Ext 4355
Lana Huber, HR Analyst Ext 4441
Joseph Collins, HR Analyst Ext 4380
Erika Elliot, HR Analyst Ext 4460
Ernie Johnson, HR Technician Sr Ext 4490
Krystal Jaramillo, HR Technician Sr Ext 4261
Dana Miner, HR Technician Sr. Ext 4378
Jessica Stephens, Office Specialist Ext 4363



RISK MANAGEMENT  928-753-0739
Joe Dorner, Director  Ext 4605
Gregg Swierczek, Loss Prev. Consultant  Ext 5869
Jodi Myers, Risk Manager Ext 4172
Kevin Hartmann, Loss Prev. Consultant Ext 4068
Jazmyne Tarkowski, Emerg. Mgt. Tech. Ext 4607
Lauren Wellborn, Emerg. Mgt. Tech. Ext 4647
Pamela Rodriquez, Office Assistant Ext 4615
Michael Browning, Hmld Sec/EM Coord. Ext 4603

Payroll 928-753-0735
Carissa Eaves, Accounting Manager Ext 4123
Raymond Gonzales, Accountant Senior Ext 4538

NEO ESS PDF Presentation

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