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Access your and your family’s official Arizona State immunization records online

Lake Havasu City

2001 College Drive Suite 115
Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403
Every Tuesday Appointment Only
8:00am - 11:00 AM & 1:00pm - 4:00 PM      


700 West Beale Street
Kingman, AZ 86402-7000
Every Wednesday Appointment Only
8:00am - 11:00 AM & 1:00pm - 4:00 PM

Bullhead City

1222 Hancock Rd
Bullhead City, AZ 86442
Every Thursday  Appointment Only
8:00am - 11:00 AM & 1:00pm - 4:00 PM

Colorado City

2096 South Hwy 389
Colorado City, AZ 86021
Every Tuesday and Thursday  Appointment Only
Please call to verify hours of clinic.


The Mohave County Childhood Immunization Program is pleased to offer vaccinations to children birth through 18 years of age. These vaccinations are vitally important to the health of the child as they reduce the risk of infectious disease that may have life-threatening consequences. Immunization clinics are held one day per week in each city and are provided by appointment only. Click here for clinic times and locations. The following items are required for each child being vaccinated:

  • Child's Immunization Record
  • Health Insurance card (if applicable)
  • Letter/Note from School (if applicable)
  • Parent or Legal Guardian must be present
  • If you are unable to attend the immunization clinic with your child, a family member or friend may bring your child to the clinic with the Parent Consent Form.  This is a specific form, provided by our Nursing Department.  Vaccinations must be pre-determined before the parent/guardian can complete the consent form. To obtain this form and determine which vaccinations your child will need, contact a Childhood Immunization team member at 928-753-0743 ext. 4176

CDC Immunization Schedules by Age Group

Schedule for Children 0-6 years of age
Schedule for Children 0-6 years of age - Spanish
Schedule for Adolescents 7-18 years of age
Schedule for Adolescents 7-18 years of age - Spanish
Schedule for Adults 19 years and older
CDC Childhood Vaccine Assessment Tool (birth to 18 years)

Arizona School Immunization Requirements

School Immunization Requirements (grades K-12)
School Immunization Requirements (grades K-12) - Spanish
Preschool and Daycare Immunization Requirements
Preschool and Daycare Immunization Requirements - Spanish

Adult Immunization Information and Fee Schedule:

The need for immunization doesn't end in childhood, CDC recommends vaccines throughout life to protect against serious, and sometimes deadly diseases.

Regardless of age, we ALL need immunizations to help keep us healthy. Protections from vaccines received as a child can wear off over time, and adults may also be at risk for new and different diseases based on age, health condition, lifestyle, job, travel, or other factors. Even young healthy adults are susceptible to these serious and sometimes deadly diseases that could be prevented by vaccines.

To view the recommended immunization schedule for adults, click on the above Schedule for Adults 19 years and older link.

Adult Immunization Fee Schedule:

Hepatitis A $101.00
Hepatitis B $86.00
MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) $125.00
Td (Tetanus/diptheria) $65.00
Tdap (Tetanus/diptheria/acellular pertussis) $71.00
Twinrix (Hep A & B combination) $136.00
Varicella $195.00


The Adult Immunization Schedules are as follows:  

Bullhead City

  • Every Tuesday
  • 9:00 AM-11:30 AM
  • Appointment only - 928-758-0703


  • Every Tuesday
  • 8:00 AM-11:00 AM & 1:00 PM-4:00 PM
  • Appointment only - 928-753-0714      

Lake Havasu City

  • Every Wednesday
  • 8:30 AM-11:00 AM
  • Appointment only - 928-453-0703

Colorado City

  • By appointment only - 928-753-8675

Immunizations for Travel:
e7 Health - Las Vegas - 500 E Windmill Lane, Suite 155, Las Vegas, NV 89123  720-800-2723  e7Health Website

Please call our offices for an appointment:

Kingman - 928-753-0714
Lake Havasu City - 928-453-0703
Bullhead City - 928-758-0703
Colorado City - 928-753-8675

Child Immunization Information Flyer

Childhood Immunization Program: Routine Childhood Immunizations, recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics, are provided to children and adolescents, birth through 18 years of age, regardless of health insurance status.

If your child has health insurance, Mohave County Department of Public Health is now partnering with health plans to assist us in recouping costs.

  • Please bring your child's immunization record with you to every visit.
  • If your child has health insurance, please bring your child's insurance card with you to every visit.
  • Save yourself time by printing and completing these two (2) child immunization registration forms before you come to your office visit! English and Spanish forms are available. The Notice of Privacy Practices is available to read for your information.
  • Immunization Questionnaire:
  • Immunization Intake: 

Adult Immunization: Routine Adult Immunizations, as recommended by the (CDC) Center for Disease Control, are also provided for a fee.

  • List of available vaccinations and fees - TODO
    Please contact your local office to make an appointment for an Adult immunization.

In an effort to provide updated information regarding Vaccine Safety the following links have been added:


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