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Permit & Service Fees

Right of Way Permits

Residential $50.00

Commercial $100.00

Special Event $100.00

Pavement Disturbance $1.00 / ft² disturbed area

Lane/Road Closure - Regionally Significant Roads¹ $200.00 /day

Lane/Road Closure - All Other Roads $50.00 /day

Right of Way Abandonment/Extinguishment of Easement² $600.00

¹See Right-of-Way and Special Event Permit Fee Schedule for a list of regionally significant trafficked paved roads

²Application fee only

Franchise/License Agreements

New Applicant $1,000.00

Renewal $500.00

Oversize/Overweight Vehicle Permits

Oversize - Single Trip $15.00

Oversize - 30 Day³ $30.00

Oversize - Annual³ $360.00

Oversize/Overweight -Single Trip $75.00

Oversize/Overweight - 30 Day³ $75.00

Oversize/Overweight - Annual³ $360.00

Oversize/Overweight in excess of 123,500 lbs up to 129,000 lbs - Annual Permit³ $600.00

³Note: 30-Day and Annual Permits are subject to the same route, same load, and same equipment

Copies & Maps

(See Map Request Form)

Copies 8 1/2 x 11, 8 1/2 x 14, or 11 x 17 $0.20 ea

Maps 18 x 24 $2.25 ea.

Maps 24 x 36 $2.50 ea.

Topographic and Aerial Maps (standard) $3.00 ea.

Topographic and Aerial Maps (custom) $10.00 ea.

Digital Media Flash Drives - 32 GB $15.00 ea.

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