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How We Can All Help

What You Can Do?

Don't litter or dispose of trash on public lands. Always use proper trash disposal methods. Dispose Household Hazardous Waste properly. Report crimes in progress to the Sheriff’s Office after obtaining as much information as possible WITHOUT contacting the offender.

Things to write down: 

  • Date
  • Time
  • Location
  • Vehicle description
  • License plate number
  • Description of suspects
  • Description of what is being done
    • Take the time to pick up litter on public lands when out and about.
    • Help enforce in your children not to litter.
    • Participate in your Community Volunteer Cleanups.

What We Do

Respond and investigate complaints of illegal dumping and environmental nuisance complaints. E.R.A.C.E. sponsors dumpsite cleanups at various times. Community volunteers are always welcome and much needed to help keep our communities clean. Volunteer and be a part of the program.

Functions of E.R.A.C.E.

Investigate criminal littering (illegal dumping) complaints throughout Mohave County. The County Ordinance 2002-03 is an Anti-Litter Ordinance that gives the Offender or Litter Generator, 5-days to clean up the dumpsite and properly disposes of the waste. Failure to clean up the dumpsite within the 5-day period is a Criminal Offense and the Offenders could possibly face criminal charges through the County Attorney’s Office. Crimes in progress should be reported to the Sheriff’s Office and often E.R.A.C.E will get the follow up or delayed complaints. Work with various Community Leaders in planning, organizing and conducting community Cleanups. These Cleanups are useful to the Communities in where they have an opportunity to properly dispose of their Heavy Trash, items like old couches, mattresses, tree trimmings, tires and so on.

The E.R.A.C.E program has training aids and lesson plans available to provide education to grade school students as it pertains to the problem and effects of illegal dumping in the County.

Dumpsite Remediation, this is where E.R.A.C.E will go out and cleanup dump sites on public lands. These types of Cleanups are dependent on several factors, the amount of Community volunteers, interest, and budget constraints

Why It Matters

Illegal dumps not only affect the beauty of the rural areas of Mohave County, but the health and safety of people, cattle and horses, as well as to the environment. Chemicals from dump sites can contaminate wells and surface water, and are prone to ignite. Illegally dumped tires can be infested with disease-carrying mosquitoes when they have stagnated water in them. Research and experience prove that litter — intentional or unintentional pollution resulting from consumer waste products being carelessly handled or improperly disposed — attracts more litter. A clean community, by contrast, discourages littering and raises local living standards and quality of life. One person, one business, one organization can positively affect the behavior of others in their community. The preservation and protection of our environment unites citizens, businesses and government.

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