- Minimum Standards for Digital Imaging or Scanning of Textual Documents (10/2023) These minimum standards are required when creating electronic images from paper records.
Standards & Guidelines
Mohave County
- Standards for Permanent Records (1/29/2014) These minimum standards are for the preservation of the permanent records created by any public body.
- Standards for Born Digital Photography (6/2013) These minimum standards are to ensure that images are of sufficient quality to be adequate for permanent records.
- Standards for Scanning Photographs (6/2013) These minimum standards state the proper resolutions for scanned photographs to be adequate for permanent records.
Arizona State Guidelines for Records Records Officers
- Records Officers Handbook (1/2015) This handbook has guidance and requirements for records officers, records managers, records custodians or records staff. It is an overview of a records management program that is a statutory requirement for our agency.
FAQ's General Records Management Questions? These frequently asked questions can assist with some basic questions.
These one page guides will assist in answering the typical questions for each topic. Once read, these are easily followed in an understandable format and design.
- Email Records - Is it a record?
- Imaging Records - To scan or not to scan?
- Records Disposition - Archive or destroy?
- Social Media Records - Are these records?
- Guidelines for Managing Public Records Sent and Received Via Electronic Mail These basic guidelines will assist with determining how to handle email messages.
- Managing Public Records Sent and Received Via Electronic Email This guideline goes into more depth regarding the managing of email records.
Essential Records/Disaster Planning
- Establishing an Essential Records List (10/2013) Guidance with essential records. What are essential records? Why are essential records important? What are my responsibilities?
- Essential Records Procedures (6/2014) This procedure will assist in guiding departments in essential records requirements, identifying and storage of these critical records.
- Disaster Planning for Government Agencies in Arizona (6/2013) This introduction to disaster planning provided by the Arizona State Archives is a guiding tool for disaster preparedness regarding records in your custody.
- Disasters: Preventing and Coping This paper discusses actions to aid in protecting documents.
- Permanent and Historical Records Guidance (6/2014) Guidance with permanent and historical records from the State Librarian and Director.
- Guidance on Minimum Standards for Digital Imaging and Arizona Standards for Permanent Records (6/9/2014) This will guide and answer questions regarding these standards.
- Historically Significant Records Criteria (6/2013) This basic criteria can assist in determining whether a record could be of historical significance and require permanent retention.
- Appraisal Criteria for Archival Records (2013) These guidelines can assist staff in identifying what records could be considered of historical value. The criteria can aid in identifying what parameters are looked at, but also how or why the Arizona State Archives determines what records are historical.
Public Records/Confidential Records/Requests
- Public Records - Chapter 6, Attorney General Handbook for State Agencies (2018) This handbook provides guidelines to agencies for determining which documents are subject to public scrutiny under Arizona Public Records Law, A.R.S. 39-101 to -161, procedures for handling requests and also preservation and disposition of records.
- Best Practices for Records Requests As a government entity, most of our records are open to the public. When receiving a request, it's best to be consistent and follow these best practices.
- Records Life-cycle A simple description of a records life-cycle, from creation to destruction.
- What is a Record A description of records, non-records.
- Records Inventory A guideline for conducting and creating an inventory of what you hold as custodians.
- Implementing File Plans A description and examples of file plans.
- Outsourcing Records Responsibilities Responsibility for Public Records Request and Records Management.
- Guidelines for Using Electronic Records Since the recent enactment of Senate Bill 1084 there has been questions regarding it intent. This guideline will help explain its effect on the the legalities of electronic records.
- What is Metadata Metadata is data about data, and why we need it.
- Guidance on Social Networking The use of social media to reach the public audience is on the rise. These guidelines will discuss records management responsibilities and assist you with process of managing it appropriately.
Retention Schedule Descriptions
- Records Retention Schedules (6/2014) Description of retention schedules.
- General Records Retention Schedules (6/2014) Description of general retention schedules.
- Program Retention Schedules (6/2014) Description of program retention schedules.
- Media Storage and Handling of Long Term and Permanent Records Guidelines (4/2013) These guidelines will aid in the care of records in your custody.
- Storage Considerations for Public Records (2013) The basic guidelines listed are suggested for short or long term storage of records.
- Preservation Guidelines Basic do's and dont's.
- Recordkeeping Requirements to Consider When Developing a New System (6/2014) This guidance will assist in asking the right questions about records and the management of such records when considering a new records system.
State of Arizona Revised Statutes that Apply to State Library, Archives and Public Records A Division of the Secretary of the State This reference is a compilation to Arizona Revised Statutes as they apply to records management and archives. This is not an all inclusive list and you should check the legislatures website for updates https://www.azleg.gov/arstitle/ There are many titles that have statutes that refer to records, they are updated during yearly sessions.
- Ombudsman's Arizona Public Records Laws Booklet (2023)This booklet put out by the Ombudsman's Office lists statutes pertaining to records, FAQ's and examples.
- Ombudsman's Best Practices for Custodians of Public Records These are best practices for organizations.
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