New Voter Registration Alert System in Effect
In 2024, legislation went into effect mandating that the Mohave County Voter Registration Office notify voters when an update is made to voter registration records.
The Recorder’s office will send a letter to a voter whenever information in their record is changed. Alternatively, voters can enroll in the new Voter Registration Alert System.
To enroll in this program, visit the Voter Information Portal at My.Arizona.Vote and receive a text or email alert if that individual’s voter registration record is changed.
This program is designed to keep voters informed about the information in their voter registration record, to enhance transparency and streamline the voting process.
To Enroll:
- Go online to My.Arizona.Vote
- Select Subscribe or Manage Voter Registration Alerts
- Enter personal information, verify, then, select Continue
- Select Subscribe or Manage Voter Registration Alerts in column to the left
- Opt-in to Email or Text alerts – or both.
- The system will send a verification code to the phone number or email address entered. Confirm information.
- After that, an individual is enrolled in electronic Voter Registration Alerts.
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